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Are you performing at your peak?

Your blood chemistry holds the answers.

You seem to be doing everything right. You're putting in the kgs, the kms, the reps, the sets, the blood, the sweat, the tears.


So why aren’t you getting the results you want?
Have you hit a performance plateau?
What's stopping you from reaching your peak?

The answer is pumping through your veins at this very moment.

And Bloodworks has the science to help you achieve your goals.


Blood science is performance science

Evidence-Based Analysis
and Advice

Bloodworks delivers qualified and individualised professional support.

That’s our point of difference.

Every athlete, no matter the sport or fitness activity has a unique blood chemistry profile. And it covers a lot more than your GP will normally test for. A more thorough blood test analysis will quickly reveal why you may not be performing at your peak.

What does Bloodworks look for?


A Bloodworks analysis goes above and beyond. We’ll explore a comprehensive range of substances that are powering your muscles and organs. 

We then provide a customised analysis against your specific sports/fitness activity: aerobic, anaerobic, cardio, strength, speed and endurance, to name but a few.

We also suggest a corrective course of medications that can be easily and legally prescribed by your GP – or even available over the counter – that can rectify these imbalances and move you closer to your goal.

Your body is a wondrous creation. And thanks to its precise and delicate combination of hormones, minerals, vitamins, acids, alkalis, and complex organic molecules – all acting in concert – it allows you to achieve almost superhuman feats of strength, power, speed, endurance, agility, flexibility and physique.

However, should any of these chemical compounds spike, decline or fall out of balance, your performances will start to suffer. You’ll see your gains taper, plateau or even plummet. 

You’ll feel more pain for less gain. Your existing workout regime won’t cut it anymore. And neither will your current diet. Your coach, your nutritionist and even your GP will be stumped for answers. 

That’s because the answers are swimming around in your bloodstream. They are carried from your glands and organs to your muscles, bones, organs and tissues, right down at the cellular level. The solutions are backed by the cold hard truth, as verified and replicated in the latest advances in biomedical science. 

So talk to Bloodworks. We understand the science.


We’ll craft a proper, personalised blood test*. Once you get the results, we’ll analyse your bloodwork at a level of detail most standard blood tests don’t, won’t or can’t. And we study the vital interplay of critical chemical combinations in your bloodstream, whereas most GPs will only look at them individually.

For decades now, we’ve helped hundreds of people from your everyday health/fitness enthusiast to high performance athletes competing on the international stage. In each case, we take the time to understand your unique needs and goals apply the latest in blood science to your unique physical and physiological situations. 

We explain your bloodwork results in simple, relatable language. Together, we’ll plan a practical course of action. Together, we’ll craft achievable solutions. Together, we’ll put you back on track towards achieving your personal health and fitness goals.

*Note: in Australia, Medicare does not cover testing for performance enhancing (PED) purposes. So if you want testing while using PEDs, you’ll need to pay out of pocket. While we do not endorse the use of these substances – we neither judge nor report – and if you are (or having been) using any, we highly recommend informing us before your test. Talk confidentially with us. We'll tell you what to include.



The warning signs you'll start to notice


You’ll know it’s time to book yourself a comprehensive Bloodworks blood test when you notice any of the following symptoms:

  • Loss of speed, strength and/or endurance

  • Stagnating or declining performances, despite a steady or increased training effort

  • Increased fatigue and/or shortness of breath during training. 

  • Muscles feeling tired, tight or sore for longer than usual.

  • Feeling fatigue and/or slower recovery after training

  • General lethargy and lack of energy, motivation and focus

  • Feeling hungrier or thirstier than usual

  • Loss of muscle mass

  • Increased body fat
  • Reduced immunity and/or higher susceptibility/frequency/severity to infection
    (including the ‘flu)

  • Excessive bleeding from cuts and grazes which may also be slower to heal

  • Loss of libido, reduced sex drive and poor sexual performance

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

Male-specific warning signs

Guys: there a number of warning signs specific to males. If you notice any of these, you'll know it's time to talk to Bloodworks for a blood test tailored to you:

  • Gynecomastia (man boobs)

  • Shrinking testes and/or smaller than average ejaculations

  • Lower sperm motility and/or or an inability in your partner to conceive.

  • Water retention. especially noticeable around the head and neck 

  • Changes to facial (thickening of the beard) or body hair

  • Reclining hairline or loss of hair density on your head

  • Body acne

  • Increased irritability, moodiness and/or aggression

  • Increased urination frequency (due to a possible enlargement of your prostate)

Female-specific warning signs

And gals: here's a range of warning signs speficic to you. So, if you notice any of these, you'll know it's time to talk to Bloodworks so we can prescribe the blood test ideal for you:

  • Change in predictability, frequency or intensity of your periods.
    You may notice missed periods and/or loss of your periods altogether.

  • Reduced breast size

  • An enlarged clitoris

  • A deepening in your voice

  • An increase in facial and/or body hair

  • More frequent and severe mood swings

  • An inability to conceive, despite your best efforts

Specific warning signs for
males and females

The internal warning signs you can’t see

Finally, there are some warning signs that only a blood test will pick up.

These need to be detected early in order to minimise long-term health effects and even fatalities. Now, forgive us if we get a bit technical here, but we live live and breathe this stuff. Rest assured that when we talk, we’ll explain it all in laymans terms to bring you up to speed. Out goal is to to both inform and educate you along the way.

Here's what Bloodworks will be specificlly checking for:

  • Changes in both your red and white blood cell count.

  • Blood that clots too readily, or conversely, blood that doesn’t clot adequately.

  • Changes in blood cholesterol levels, including good cholesterol (High Density Lipoproteins, [HDLs]) and bad cholesterol (Low Density Lipoproteins [LDLs]).

  • Changes or anomalies in vital kidney markers, such as urea, electrolytes, creatinine, and the full gamut of vitamins and minerals.

  • Changes in hormone levels such as:

    • Testosterone 

    • Sex Hormone Binding Globulin [SHBG]

    • Oestradiol (Oestrogen)

    • Gonadotrophins (Leutinizing Hormone and Follicle Stimulating Hormone)

    • Somatotropin (Human Growth Hormone)

    • Insulin

    • IGF-I levels (Insulin-like Growth Factor-I) 

    • Thyroid Stimulating Hormone [TSH] and especially the oft-overlooked T3 and T4 variants

  • Indicators of a sub-optimal metabolism due to poor liver function or thyroid issues (affecting how you convert food into energy) and kidney function (affect how you efficiently you expel harmful wastes from your system)./

  • Plaque build-up in veins and arteries indicated by a full lipid panel including total Cholesterol, HDL and LDL as well as triglycerides (dissolved fat in the blood).


Failure to detect, diagnose and treat these symptoms can result in a range of catastrophic illnesses including an array of infections, muscle and skeletal damage, anaemia, diabetes, cirrhosis of the liver, deep vein thrombosis (DVT), pulmonary embolism (lung clots), pneumonia, blood clots, stroke, cardiovascular disease and prostate cancer, to name just a few.


Why Bloodworks?

Bloodworks will help you find what other so-called “experts” can’t, won’t or don’t.


As you’ve probably found, there’s no shortage of “pseudo-science”, “quack-science”, “bro-science” and ”no-science” out there on the forums trying to profit from your frustration. You’ll see them flogging dodgy supplements, fad workout regimes and new age woo-woo.And because every body and each situation is unique, there are no “what worked for him/her will work for me” solutions either.


It’s your body, your fitness, your health and your future on the line. You need answers based on facts, built on verifiable, reliable science and backed by actual results. You’ll want to see those results replicated over many years, among thousands of athletes, across a broad range of sports, over multiple countries and between every possible combination of age, gender and competition level.


Finally, you’ll need a blood chemistry specialist, armed with the relevant academic and research qualifications, supported by decades unique experience within this highly specialised field. So, whether you’re an enthusiastic amateur or an elite professional, achieving your goals and unlocking your full potential requires the vigilance, rigour, knowledge and experience that only Bloodworks can bring.


What you can expect of us

Your personal health is our number one priority. If we identify any medical issues, we will prepare a referral to a qualified medical professional on your behalf – or you can opt for your own practitioner.


We acknowledge the individuality of each and every client. Our analysis and advice is tailored to you individually, based on the information you provide and the results of your blood tests.


We respect your right to privacy and your freedom to access factual scientific information. Everything we do is conducted in the spirit of professional integrity, in order to:

  • minimise harm

  • maximise your well-being


What we don't do

Bloodworks takes a strong stance against cheating in sports. We do not prescribe nor provide Schedule 8 or other banned substances in any way, shape or form.


Don Kelly

Guiding you personally through this process is Bloodworks' founder and principal consultant, Don Kelly.


Don is qualified both academically and through his experience as a medal-winning powerlifter and bodybuilder. He also excelled at representative level in cricket, football (rugby league and AFL), boxing, cycling and archery.

Qualified. Experienced. Supportive.

Don focused his first-class education and research Guiding you through this process is Don Kelly, Bloodworks’ principal consultant. at the University of Queensland on the physiology and biochemistry of exercise. His PhD studies focused on molecular endocrinology, specifically, the hormonal control of muscle growth. His ground-breaking research deepened his understanding and broadened his knowledge of the multivarious factors that influence how our muscles perform and how pivotal a role blood chemistry plays in this process. 


Over the past 25 years, in addition to applying his own expertise at Bloodworks, Don has consulted with a wide range of experts in different fields: from NRL strength and conditioning coaches to world-renown exercise endocrinologists.

About Bloodworks


“I’ve been relying on Don for my bloodwork assessments,
particularly for monitoring my testosterone levels.


His expertise and professionalism have been invaluable in helping me understand my health better. With his guidance, I’ve been able to make informed decisions about my well-being.


I highly recommend Don’s services to anyone seeking reliable and personalised healthcare support.”


Danny F., 48


Canberra, ACT

What our clients say


The Bloodworks Process
It's as easy as A B C


Simply contact us
using the form below.

We’ll get back to you within 48 hours by phone or email to:

  • Ascertain or confirm your individual needs.

  • Advise and assist you in determining your appropriate blood tests.

  • Send you the necessary documents to show our pathologist.


If you are in Australia:


We’ll email you a form, so you can:

  1. Take the standard 12 hour fast.

  2. Front up with your form at your local pathology provider. This form will advise the provider to forward your results to us automatically.

  3. Pay for the tests as required. 

  4. Your results will be sent to Bloodworks a day or two later. 

  5. We will then forward them on to you too.

If you are NOT in Australia:


We’ll email you our advice on the required blood test checklist.

  1. Take this to your regular doctor/GP/ physician or pathology provider (to assist you in ordering the appropriate tests). 

  2. Prepare for, undergo and pay for the tests as required.

  3. Upon receiving your results, simply email them to us.

Or if you already have the required blood test results, just email them to us directly.


We’ll then contact you,

typically within just 24 hours, to:

  1. Schedule a teleconference (via phone, zoom/skype etc. or even chat).

  2. Together, we’ll carefully explain your results .

  3. And most importantly, we’ll share our recommendations.

Contact Us

If you'd like to start maximising your performance while optimising your training, contact Bloodworks today.

With the information you provide, we can start the process . We can identify what's holding you back and then determine how you can get more from your training, your goals, your fitness, your health and your overall wellbeing. We'd love to hear from you.


Just take that all-important first step. Simply fill out the confidential form below and you'll hear right back from us.

Including your phone number will make it easier to reach you by text as soon as your results are ready. We do not share this information with anyone and will not call unannounced or send any marketing material.

Australian State/Territory or International location

Please provide a a brief description of your:

• age and gender

 • state of health (including any medications currently or recently taken)

• type of sport/athletic/fitness you are looking for results in

• level of sport/athletic/fitness achievement to date

• sport/athletic/fitness goals (Note: You only need provide information you are comfortable sharing)

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